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Re: Trolling Motors

Sean Jones wrote:

> Excuse me,  but could we end this thread.  i don't see it doing much good.

Hi, Sean . . . there are some individuals on the list who do, in fact, see value in this thread.  The
length of a thread demonstrates that the email list is doing its job.  People are responding with
everything from assistance to confusion.  This is normal for this form of communication.  As a matter
of fact, the list is a de facto mentoring forum for all of us.

Perhaps those inclined toward sharing or teaching have more patience than those of us who are less
pedagogically inclined.

In any case, keep them cards 'n letters coming folks.  (Dean Martin?)

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"You have a very interesting face, but, you should drain it once in a while."