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Re: To anyone designing or building a sub

On Sat, 17 Oct 1998, Albert Long wrote:

> You think that to go down 100 ft, your hull should be 1 in thick ? you know,
> I'm not exactly sure what the rules are for depth, to thickness of hull but i
> do know it also has to do with the dia. length and other factors.
I was a generic rule of thumb, with, at least, what I perceived to be an
excessive safety margin.

> what does "grepped" mean ?
> anybody ?....
>From the jargon file:

:grep: /grep/ /vi./  [from the qed/ed editor idiom g/re/p,
   where re stands for a regular expression, to Globally search
   for the Regular Expression and Print the lines containing matches
   to it, via {{Unix}} `grep(1)'] To rapidly scan a file or set
   of files looking for a particular string or pattern (when browsing
   through a large set of files, one may speak of `grepping
   around').  By extension, to look for something by pattern.  "Grep
   the bulletin board for the system backup schedule, would you?"
   See also {vgrep}.

Paul Anderson
"This is Maurice, our sheep-hearding carrot."
http://www.hpv.on.ca sys admin