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Re: To anyone designing or building a sub


	I think that the point was that UNTIL you have done a
qualification run, ABS or otherwise, and the necessary preceding tests,
you should significantly underestimate the yield of the pressure hull when
first trying a totally dry untested boat.
	This is about truly intial (i.e. first time wet) testing, not
designing for some operating depth. Personally, I'd be interested in
hearing about the hull geometry and penetrations used on this imploding
boat. In particular I'd be curious about the viewports and any siffening

	As the local UNIX sysadmin here, let me tell you 'grep' is a
wonderful thing. It's a utility that scans through a file or IO stream and
extracts lines with specified strings in them. The idea was that after
scanning through the message, those were the points they extracted.


John Brownlee
Lunar and Planetary Lab
University of Arizona
jonnie @ lpl . arizona . edu