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Re: To anyone designing or building a sub

You think that to go down 100 ft, your hull should be 1 in thick ? you know,
I'm not exactly sure what the rules are for depth, to thickness of hull but i
do know it also has to do with the dia. length and other factors.
my hull is just over a 1\4 inch thick and is, or was ABS certified for an
operating depth of 300 ft.
what does "grepped" mean ?
anybody ?....
Paul Anderson wrote:

> On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Albert Long wrote:
> >
> > This is mostly aimed at first time designers and builders... like myself
> > !!!
> >
> Rule #1: First tests in pool.
> Rule #2: Before doing unmanned tests, assume hull good for 50' per inch
> hull thickness.
> So, have I grepped those parts right?  TTYL!
> ---
> Paul Anderson
> hacker@geeky1.ebtech.net
> "This is Maurice, our sheep-hearding carrot."
> http://www.hpv.on.ca sys admin