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Re: Question?

Well, I guess this will be put to the test when I do the first test dive
(unmanned!!!) with my sub.  I am still hoping to do it by this fall!!


> Fiberglass and some Sub Thoughts...
>     The concept of fiberglass for subs has been around for years.  With the
> proper engineering design fiberglass in my opinion could be used for hull
> material.  But it would certainly have to be much thicker than steel.  The
> idea of wood as structure is probably not good at all.  I would not want to
> be under water with nothing but wood holding out the pressure.  Wood used
> as a form to shape fiberglass could be a possibility.  However, here is the
> catch;  Fiberglass for hull material would be much more expensive than
> steel.  Also, some people designing a sub forget the physics of hull design
> and go for shapes that are very dangerous such as eliptical or rectangular
> hulls etc.  Fiberglass could allow the designer to get carried away with
> different shapes and build a bad design that will crush the first time out.
>>>>>>>>>>> bunch snipped out <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> Gary Boucher

Alan D. Secor
e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com