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Re: Throttle Control

Light dimmers only work with AC and will not work for throttle control of a
DC motor.  The relays are fairly easy, but have some problems.  First if
you are using them to select how much voltage to apply you have the
potential of closing two at once.  In this case you will have one or more
batteries shorted together.  I use a microprocessor in my sub to check for
disengagement before reengaging the next relay.  I also use electric
vehicle fuses in all links that can short if a relay sticks.  The other
approach is to use one of Ken's MOSFET circuits.

G. Boucher

> From: STEVE McColman <steve_mccolman@hotmail.com>
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: Throttle Control
> Date: Tuesday, June 23, 1998 11:32 PM
> My one weakness in building my sub is definitly the electronics,  I have 
> never been able to understand it.  So please bear with my "stupid" 
> questions! For instance, I know that a few of you use relays to meter 
> the power flow from the batts to the motor.  Is it possible to use 
> something like a regular household light dimmer switch for a throttle 
> control?  Something that I can run all 36 volts into and have control of 
> what comes out to my motor.
>                                  Steve McColman, Vancouver Island
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