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AGM Batteries


This is in response to your question about AGM batteries. This technology is
more than 12 years old and first came out with the Gates sealed Lead Acid
cells. The first cells were small about the size of D cells. Lately large,
group 27, and larger batteries became availiable. You can find out about these
if you look at the website  <A HREF="http://www.dcbattery.com/lifeline2.html">
Lifeline Batteries</A>  . This is the first time I've tried a Hyperlink so if
it doesn't work the website is "http://www.dcbattery.com/lifeline2.html" These
batteries,made by Concord, are not perfect but they seem much better than the
Gel or flooded types. They also come closer to meeting their capacity ratings.

Ken Martindale