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Re: HP, weight and visability

At 01:02 AM 6/17/1998 -0700, you wrote:
>I am trying to remember where I heard this. It could of been in corespondence
>with Kittredge. Or something from U.S. Submersibles. 
>Anyone close enough to the Coast Guard to get an "official" degree?

        Okay, if I can find someone to ask this, I will.  [Someone brought that
up awhile ago.]  However, where I work is a LONG way from the part of the
Coast Guard that would handle submarines.  The closest place to look I
can think of is a MSO (Marine Safety Office), and I don't know where the
closest one is.  But I'll let you know.

        [I'm on leave this week, so it may be next week before I can get
this done.]