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Re: To Rick

> Another "opinion" I have is that divers trained 25 years ago (ie.
> yours truly) have more confidence u/w than the newer crop of divers.
> In the guise of "safety" we have divers over geared, over paranoid,
> over reliant on technology, etc.

I agree, new-age trained divers relies too much on the "it's just
diving" concept, they almost discared (or they absolutely ignore) all
the environmental issues including aquaticity (I don't know if this tem
exists, I just translated from the italian acquaticità which means
you're able to self sustain, survive and eventually swim when in the
water, even in agitated water) or when aboard maybe with an emergency...
they suppose it'll never happen to them, they're scubadivers not "navy

SSI, PADI and other agencies made a great job bringing a lot of people
to the sport but they're still missing something.

Paolo Velcich
industrial designer

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