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Re: To Rick

 STEVE McColman wrote:
Im right here in Nanaimo, but ive never dived before.  Thats why
im so interested in building a dry sub, so i can go down without getting
cold and wet!  I know its not very smart. I should have some diving
experience, but i dont!
You know, I have to disagree with it "not being very smart".  Studying the subject, building a sub and associating with divers is a great way to get into it.  Like any vehicle, you have to practise.   While I think it's an EXCELLENT idea to be trained, I believe that respect, not paranoia, is the ideal attitude underwater.  You get divers who are so paranoid that they don't enjoy diving at all.  I've been under ice, in wrecks, night diving, current diving, zero vis, caught in the blue, narced out, had equipment failure, etc.  In other words, I've got experience.  Glad I was trained?  You bet.  But, while scuba is a good skill to have, it's more of an augmentation than a prerequisite. Sikorski new how to fly his helicoptors because he designed them.  But, ultimately, flight training was a heck of a good idea. Just beware the diver who insists on you taking scuba lessons before taking the boat out.

Just make sure you know your physics and you have backup divers while you train in SHALLOW water, say 15 to 20 feet max, preferably over a sandy or gravel bottom and decent vis.

Another "opinion" I have is that divers trained 25 years ago (ie. yours truly) have more confidence u/w than the newer crop of divers. In the guise of "safety" we have divers over geared, over paranoid, over reliant on technology, etc.  We learned how to breathe right off the tank valve.  In a wreck and the reg fails?  As calmly as possible, take off the tank, remove the regulator and crack open the valve.  You'll be gasping for air by that point but you'll have something to breathe and time to plan your exit.  I don't believe they teach that skill any longer.  Regardless, I've listened to the rationale of many a recent diver only to have to hide my face or stifle a groan. [what a wonderful can of worms I may have opened here].

Nanaimo - ha!  We have family friends there.  Will be there in Aug.  Going to Rath Trevor for some camping.  What I'd really like to do one of these days is dive off of Nanaimo.  You guys have some islands around you that I've been dying to try out.  I've actually daydreamed about bringing a sub there.

