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Re: New member

Ray Keefer wrote:

> Hi Tommaso,
> Welcome aboard. Don't be afraid of being Italian.

Gee, thanks, Ray!                       ;-)

> > I'm a new member of this list, but i've lurked the list since two months
> > ago, because I was afraid of being the only italian on the list.
> > But now I'm not the only one, so I can spread my unlimited culture about
> > materials to everyone in this list.
> >    |ommaso

Hello, Tommaso!  You are speaking of me being the other Italian?

I, too, was afraid of being Italian.  When I realized what the alternative was I felt much better!!!

Welcome (with big smiles) to the list.

Momento - dove in Italia?  La Roma?


Riccardo Fontana Lucertini
(just call me Rick)
Vancouver, Canada