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Re: PSUBS Icon

> > Why not a dolphin: the international submariner escutheon?
> > I've been a submariner in the Italian Navy, but anywhere "the man with
> > dolphin" is someone involved with subs.
> >
> >    bye,
> >  ___________
> >     |ommaso

 Ray Keefer wrote:

> Tommaso,
> Much much better than a Eagle.

Or maple leaf or salmon . . .

> So far this is the best idea yet.
> Now how to expand in it? Have a person ride the Dolphin's back downward
> under water? Giving a flavor of submersibles being personable?

Ray, I like it.  Put a Montreal Canadians hockey sweater on the dolphin and we'll be set.  Everyone
will be able to identify with it.  [heh, heh].

Seriously, your idea is great.  As a matter of fact, we have a dive club in Nanaimo, where Steve's
from, that got written permission from a foreign navy, the US, I think, to use their dolphin ensignia
for their club. I have a sweat shirt with the design.  Unfortunately, the dolphins are quite ugly. A
cross between Jimmy Durante and Immelda Marcos.  Bummer.

Rick in Canada