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Re: In line with dumb ideas...


Brian Danielson ha scritto:

This idea is a response to our new Italian member : Tommaso Ravaglioli
[tomrava@tin.it]. (in other words, reading that email prompted this

The idea

What if we all, that is everybody on the list, write up a paragraph or
two summary of what they do, what their interest in psubs is, or any
other relevant information that may be of interest to the group (keeping
it short, or they won't get read... maybe just using bullet items rather
than paragraphs).

I absolutely and totally agree with Brian, here I put my personal data in a short form and I'm more than happy to share my ideas and - small - experience with other enthusiasts in the list.
Information is probably the most important component for any project, from the simpler to the most demanding - and you know how challenging is the development of any underwater device involving humans or the environment itself.

About the icon, I partially agree with Tommaso as the dolphin is widely known as the symbol of the sea itself (from the ancient Greece and probably earlier) and it's considered the sea creature which is closer to the man.
On the other side the dolphin image is a bit too much used but I think it's not important how much a symbolic image is being used but HOW it's being used.

But I think the icon represents a second step (in order of importance) on the list of the things to do, the organization of an official group involves many other tasks which are important. I would suggest a subdivision of the tasks between the group members following their interests, competences and availability.

A statute (or constitution text) should be the first in the list - if it's not already done - followed by the list of objectives the organization should pursue.

-------- personal data ---------

I hope the list above complies with the Brian's suggestions and helps getting started the structure of the group.
I'm really enjoing the partecipation in the mail-list, I only suggest to keep low (I mean acceptable) the volume of not-inherent messages as they would probably annoy the most of the members (I could notice this on other mail lists I'm on). I will better explain, the numerous messages about the icon were going close to the acceptable limit of interest being more jokes than real suggestions. This is good if occasional (humour helps keeping the spirit high) but it's dangerous if it goes too far.

I'm understand I was very verbose, I apologize for this and I hope I didn't offend anybody. I'll keep shorter in teh future.

Blue skies and depp blues


Paolo Velcich
industrial designer

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