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Re: Organized Chaos

On Sun, 17 May 1998, Mike Young wrote:

> You fill out the forms, send some money with it to the
> office indicated and Boom! you are a corporation!
I've done quite a bit of looking into setting up a for-profit corp.
There's not that much too it, really, it only costs about $300 -IF- you
have it created as a numbered corp.  Basically on official docs(minutes
from the annual board of directors meeting, pay stubs, etc.) you would put
the corp's name as:
NNNNNNN, Inc. doing business as XXXXXX, Inc.

> Maybe this is what
> we could do as a group and put the corporate name on business cards.
Of course, you realize, my knowledge is of incorporation IN CANADA.
Incorporating in the US is quite different.  AAMOF, I have the provincial
incorporation forms right here...  Look for a packet, put together by
"Self-Counsel" press, in there legal series.  It's name is "Incorporation
Forms For Ontario" -AND- you want a copy of "Incorporation and Business
Guide for Ontario" from the same publisher, it details how to fill out and
file the forms.  BTW, the official name of the forms is your "Articles of

> Each person could be listed as having a certain job designation
> ("official title") which sounds much nicer when going to any big events.
Well...  Incorporation induces a lot of overhead if all you want is that,
it's main benefits are(in a for-profit corp) in taxes, liability(the
business and it's owners are seperate entities - therefore if the business
goes bankrupt, the owner's can't be held responsible for the corp's debt),
and for gathering funding for large projects on the stock exchange.  A
non-profit corp is handy because you can accept donations and the donors
get a tax break from it.

> New idea! How about making a database of people's interests and
> occupations,weird hobbies or whatever, so that if someone has a
> problem, the group knows who to ask about it?
Yet again, doesn't require incorporation.  Though, if we wanted to, say,
get together and start a co-operative corporation(basically a corp where
everyone that works for it is a share-holder, for further explanation dig
around http://www.rei.com), and use it to build a large, ocean-going
exploratory sub, lemme know...  TTYL!

Paul Anderson
"This is Maurice, our sheep-hearding carrot."

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