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Buiness Cards
I had have this stupid idea in my head this week. I want to float the idea
past the group to see if it makes any sense.
Buisness cards.
The idea is that I travel a bit. When I go to places like Gosport it would be
nice to beable to do more then just say, "hey, I am part of this psub
goup...." A card in hand would not only introduce me but would give them a
handy reference if they want to get back to me.
For instance at Gosport, I could of handed them this card, explain who I was
and what I wanted (photograph X-24), and maybe get a little special treatment.
Like maybe access inside. A card might make me look a bit more official or
The design would have:
our logo
the e-mail address for the webmaster
the e-mail address list server
the http link to the web site
If made generic enough then everyone could have a dozen or so cards.
Any way. Is this a stupid idea?