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Re: HP, weight and visability

Hi Gene,

> I haven't heard of anyone else using or designing a double hulled sub.
> I can't think of a good reason to have a double hull.  

> Ballast tanks are a
> lot easier to engineer, construct, and maintain, separate from the main hull.
> Then you have balance to consider and with a full second hull, it would have
> to be sectioned off with each section having separate valving, etc.  Also,
> the size of the ballast tank is the size of the whole sub?   

Streamlining is the only reason I can think off. If you want a fast PSUB
then you will need streamlining. Otherwise it is probably not work the 

> I may be missing
> something but it seems like a lot of contraption to build and seal compared
> to two tanks as on the Kittridge.

Kittrige's disign has simplicity as a hallmark. Another type of ballast tank
configuration to consider is using saddle tanks. These work nice if you are
going to be on the surface a lot and want roll stability. Once submerged though
the do add more drag since they stick out.

> But then, all I've done is draw one on paper.....  but boy, does it LOOK
> great!!

Can we see it???????
