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Re: HP, weight and visability

>What has ANYBODY used for the inside shell? I have asked this a few times to
>the group but nobody replies! An internal fiberglass shell bolted to the
internal hull >support ribs would work I think but am I reinventing the wheel?
If no one knows >then ideas would even be welcomed. 

I haven't heard of anyone else using or designing a double hulled sub.
I can't think of a good reason to have a double hull.  Ballast tanks are a lot
easier to engineer, construct, and maintain, separate from the main hull.
Then you have balance to consider and with a full second hull, it would have
to be sectioned off with each section having separate valving, etc.  Also, the
size of the ballast tank is the size of the whole sub?   I may be missing
something but it seems like a lot of contraption to build and seal compared to
two tanks as on the Kittridge.
But then, all I've done is draw one on paper.....  but boy, does it LOOK