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Re: A Simpler Sub

Ray Keefer wrote:

> Hi,
> > The SportSub has a special controller - electronic, I
> My guess for some time has been that the SportSub uses a float valve that
> depresses a switch when the water level gets too high. [snip]

> There would be a second switch activated by the float valve so when surfacing
> causes the air bubble to expand the second switch would be activated that
> would open a valve to dump the cabin air.[snip]

Hello, All - My instructor, the designer of the controller, had made it clear to me, after some
prodding, that it was actually an electronic device. My impression from having tapped his brain on
more than one occasion, was that what you and I would have used wasn't quite as esoteric as he would
have liked. He seemed quite proud of "his" controller but I just couldn't drag the proprietary
information out of him.  Heck of a nice guy, but stubborn   :-)

The description you gave is certainly the route I would have taken. However, the "because it's there"
syndrome is too overwhelming to pass up by electro-techies !

Rick Lucertini
Vancouver, Canada