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Re: Accessing PSUBS Chat

It worked using my IE4 earlier today, except that the chat display was about the
size of a matchbox.   The only change I made was to provide a static frame display
(700x300 pixels) so it would force a readable sized area for IE4.

Not to get into a manufacturers war, but it makes little sense to me that Microsoft
should engineer it's browser to display so differently.  I've purchased other software

from them as well (Encarta 98) that I am not at all impressed with.


Sean Walinga wrote:

> Hmmm...   I was using IE4 but it didn't load. I then downloaded Netscape and that
> worked very well. I've just tried it again today and the IE4 works. Seems that the
> webpage has been changed or Netscape downloaded files that IE4 is using. I don't
> think that Microsoft would do that though...
> ttfn
> Sean