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Re: Accessing PSUBS Chat

>You can use IE, but you'll need 4.0 or later to do it.  I've
>got both Netscape and MSIE, both at the 4.0 version level
>and both of them are working with the chat.  My version 3.0
>MSIE wouldn't load the Java at all.
>If you're not at V4.0 or later for both Netscape and MSIE
>then it's time to upgrade.

Hmmm...   I was using IE4 but it didn't load. I then downloaded Netscape and that
worked very well. I've just tried it again today and the IE4 works. Seems that the
webpage has been changed or Netscape downloaded files that IE4 is using. I don't
think that Microsoft would do that though...
