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AIP [Air Independent Propulsion] Info. <again>

The following is a forward of a reply from a Swedish gentleman 
named "Anders Lindgren" who's webpage I mentioned here the
other day.  I emailed him asking for clarification on something.
I'm including the question, and his response.
-Allan "CGK" Gaines

>On Sat, 21 Mar 1998, Allan Gaines wrote:
>>Hello, Anders.  Just a question:  On your "Swedish Submarines"
>>page, you mentioned the Gotland/A19 class.  You mention pro-
>>pulsion as being electric and sterling AIP.  Does that mean
>>these subs do NOT have diesel engines at all (i.e., they rely
>>completely on the stirling), or am I misreading something?

>I guess I should have a look at how I wrote on the page.
>The new Swedish SSKs (Gotland Class) in fact have all three
>- the usual Diesel/Electric pair and the stirling engine.
>Lots of machinery for such a small sub. :) The stirling
>engine is fed liquid oxygen and fuel and IIRC powers the
>electric engine and misc. generators just like diesel-engines
>usually do, rather than power the sub directly. When liquid
>oxygen is out ot supply, it's no more than a usual DE sub
>but underwater endurance with AIP is said to be up to something
>like three weeks at low speed. Of course, no reliable information
>regarding actual figures can be found for civilians like me.
>In short, an impressive system for littoral operations well suited
>for the baltic operations the RSwN are dealing with, but nothing
>that would be useful for blue-water operations in the oceans.