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RE: Drop Weights

Hey Al

What kind of system are you using to enable you to drop 100# at a time. I looking for simple means to drop a part of my weight at a time?

-----Original Message-----
From:	Alan D. Secor [SMTP:secor@btv.ibm.com]
Sent:	Tuesday, March 17, 1998 11:20
To:	personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject:	Re: Drop Weights 

My sub has about 400 lbs of drop weights but are for emergency use only...
ie a failure of the ballast tanks.  The weights can be dropped 
100 lbs at a time to "rock the sub" if it gets stuck in the muck.


> Fellow Boaters,
> In all this discussion of ballast tankage, I haven't seen much mention of
> Drop Weights. Is anybody using any form of expendable ballast? This is one
> option available to us as pleasure boaters that's not available to the
> average SSBN, since we can go back home between dives. A Drop Weight allows
> you to dive with a bubble in the ballast tank (or under your canopy), and
> save that much compressed air to get home. Multiple independently releasable
> Drop Weights allow you to take home big payloads of Gold Doubloons. As Al
> says, though, it requires some fine tuning, and a good idea of how deep
> you're going before you start. The task is a bit easier if you're clever
> enough to come up with a shot hopper sort of device that dribbles out bits
> of weight. :-o Joe

Alan D. Secor
e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com
