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Re: Applause (And Electrical)

David Buchner wrote:
> My dad has a hot tub, and to prevent zapped-bather-syndrome, its electrical
> controls aren't electrical at all but little air hoses which run from the
> buttons (plungers) to wherever the actual switches are.

A small sub called the "Se Urchin" which was built by International Hardsuits had these 
types of fluid logic controls.   I can't find the original site, but here's a picture 
of someone who uses one.


I have seen it in person i  Vancouver some years ago.  At that time they had just hired 
someone to market the things, but they didn't have much luck, although they had some 
nice brochures printed.  I suppose it's like any one of about 30 people who have tried 
to make a go of small subs for recreatonal purposes.  It seems to me most people 
interested are somewhat like the readers of this group, who don't appear ready or 
willing to put out 200,000 for somethign ready-made.

BTW,  this is nice:	http://www.calweb.com/~captnemo/sub.htm

> >Jonathan Wallace
> >Ray Keefer
> >Martin Sanderse
> Ditto this! This is certainly the most consistently fun email I get. Much
> more engaging than all the dreary political stuff I've mostly unsubscribed
> from now.

AAKKK!!!   I can claim only doing the first wimpy site on my server.  Since then, Ray 
Keefer and Jon have done all of the work.  Further, I owe them replies for doing some 
HTML the survey, but I've been so swamped with work I've got a guit complex.  I agree 
though, "hats off to Ray and Jon!"

Martin Sanderse
"Problems worthy of attack
prove their worth by hitting back"    Piet Hein
The Ingenuity Group Inc.                 http://www.ingenuitygroup.com/~tigroup/
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