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Re: Weight of subs.

Sean Walinga wrote:
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Hello everyone,
>     I was just working out some equations and discovered that my sub
> needs to be unusually heavy to be nuetrally bouyant. 18096 lbs or 9
> tons. This seems VERY heavy to me! What is the weight of the other
> subs in the group that have been made? Also; how many people will fit
> into the sub?

I find that every design I come up with requires at least 12 cubic feet if I'm going to 
be dry.  Since I don't want to be packed in too close to a second occupant, the volume 
required per person is higher as you add a second person.  It even 2 people, 
the weight is higher that I'd like.

In an attempt to overcome this, I've twiddled designs that are like vertical cyliners 
you can stand up in.  There are all kinds of advantages to it because it simplifies 
trim, hull thickness required because of small diameter, lower power requirements, 
pitch control is not an issue, and so on.

'but then it doesen't look like a "real" submarine, and you are alone.

Martin Sanderse
"Problems worthy of attack
prove their worth by hitting back"    Piet Hein
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