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New member

Hello to all:

I have very much enjoyed reading the questions and answers on psubs, since I
joined the mailing list a few weeks ago. I could have only wished to have
had this forum available when I got involved with psubs. It was a chilhood
dream of mine to build a submarine (which is a long time ago). I built my
first sub from plans I saw in a June 1971 Popular Mechanics magazine. This
was a semi-dry sub, built from a wing tank of a T-33 jet plane. This sub
took a couple of years to complete and worked quite well. I read with
interest, from the psub mail, that people are still interested in building
wet and semi-dry subs. During the time I was building the semi-dry sub I
also became a certified SCUBA diver, a real asset for someone that want to
use a wet or semi-dry sub. 

The building of the semi-dry sub really drove my interest to build a dry
sub. It took me almost three years of waiting to get home builder plans from
George Kittredge of Kittredge Industries. I started the building of the
K-250 in 1978 and made the first dive with it in 1983. The thrill of diving
in your own sub is like no other experience in your life. I dove with the
sub for three years but due to job change and other factors, the sub has
been sitting in my garage since 1986. Even though I know I will not be
diving with my sub any more, nor building another one, I still have a high
interest in psubs. I look forward to reading about other peoples ideas and
dreams, just like I had. Keep the psub mail going.

                                Louis Omersa
                                Grand Rapids, MN