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Re: Acrylic viewing dome


In a message dated 98-03-14 02:00:40 EST, you write:

<<  yes I am designing a 1 atm sub, with thick acrylic, internal bracing,
 and complex curves, (eggshell) instead of a cylinder I should be able to
 make a very strong hull. It will be very small, kind of like a sailplane
 cockpit. >>

Not one to shy away from a challenge, are you?  It's a fascinating idea and I
hope you'll keep us all apprised of the progress.  I just might want to come
to the launch!
Maybe you should consider a sherical shape for the pressure hull?  It's the
strongest, and any point on the hull becomes a view port.

I notice that after all your discussion on polycarbonates, you're settling on
acrylic.  I assume it's mostly due to ease of forming, or is cost also a

In any case, please keep us posted.  A see-through sub strikes me as ideal.
