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Re: Acrylic viewing dome

At 08:15 AM 13-03-98 EST, you wrote:
>Hello Dave,
>I would still be interested in the Port. Could you send me your vendor's
>address or E-Mail address if they have one. They may be able to ship one to
>Thanks for your response, good luck with your Sub. I would still prefer the
>polycarbonate due to it's durability. I have been using polycarbonate for a
>while on another application in a marine environment and have had no problems
>with hazing, so far.
>PS I'm in Florida.

Ken, Ken, I don't think you understand, I live in Australia and the
is in Australia <g> That's a lo-o-ong way from Florida ;-)

However, if you're having trouble finding a local manufacturer, the one I
used is:
KF Plastics
79 Yerrick Rd
Lakemba, Sydney
NSW, Australia

If you give me your requirements I'll happily contact them for you.
