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Re: Acrylic viewing dome

At 09:33 AM 12-03-98 -0500, you wrote:
>When are you scheduling your testing?  

About 2 weeks time.

>You do plan to share the results with us, right?  

Abolutely :-) That's one of the reasons I asked for comments on the
testing method.

>The data you gather would be great to put up
>on the web site so that others can gain knowledge from it as well.

That's what I'd like to see. I may also test a 20mm thick version, so
you'll be able to see the difference extra thickness makes. 

I'd like to go even thicker, but I'll need to find another manufacturer
as the one I'm using only goes to 20mm in 700mm diameter. 12mm cost me $200
and 20mm will cost $470, I can only guess another 10mm would take it to $1000.

I could save myself a lot by using a small viewport, but I'm rather taken
with the idea of a panoramic viewing area.

Dave Everett.