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Re: Acrylic viewing dome

At 08:03 PM 11-03-98 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi Dave,
>Couldn't you just use a pressure guage that has a second needle that
records the maximum pressure the guage 
>has seen.  If the guage is in your dome with its port exposed to external
pressure it will read pressure until 
>the dome fails.  You may need to protect the guage from being damaged by
the collapsing dome.  This should be 
>a cheeper alternative than using transducers.
That's a good idea Dale. 

I was only considering the transducers so I could plot
pressure as the dome descends. I am assuming that the dome will flex long
before it collapses and I would be able to measure the flex by recording
the extra pressure inside the dome.

Dave Everett.