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Permission to come aboard,Sir
I am an ex-Navy(SS) cook off the USS Omaha(SSN692) and I'm living now
in Malaysia. I've always wanted to build my own submarine, and I was
thinking that the trucks they have out here for hauling cement by road
or rail would be perfect for the main body of a submarine as they
already have an access hatch to enter, and would only need slight
modifications to become waterproof. That way, you don't have to
violate structural integrity, or build the whole thing from scratch.
When I came aboard the OMAHA there wasn't anything inside other than
valves and pumps, just little bumps on the decks showing where
everything was going to be put in. I learned, in the course of
qualifying 688-class subs, where every valve,pump,wire,cable,etc. was
because there wasn't any bulkheads even covering things up.
Well, enough for now, and thanks for reading this

Fair winds and following seas,
Mike Young 

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