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RE: email archives


Thank you for your message and your welcome!

I would very much appreciate it if you could send me the past archives.  I 
am planning on building a sub in one year, so I need to get as smart as I 
can on what you and others have done in the past.  Depending on how large 
the files are maybe you could send a few at a time in separate messages so 
it won't overload the system.

I look forward to taking an active part in the list and making new friends 
over the web!


Rod BS

Rod B. Schack, Capt, USAF
Chief, Operations Intelligence Section
3 AF/DOIO, RAF Mildenhall, UK
238-3414  rod.schack@mildenhall.af.mil

-----Original Message-----
From:	Jonathan Wallace [SMTP:jon@zk3.dec.com]
Sent:	Tuesday, March 10, 1998 5:03 PM
To:	personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject:	Re: email archives

Welcome Rod!

Right now, the archives are divided into months.  There are currently
14 months worth of archives starting in Feb 97 when the official list
was created.

I can mail them to you if you like, but I won't be able to mail them
through majordomo because of the 40,000 character posting limit.

I know that many sites have their lists available from the web site.
I'll investigate this so that we can do the same thing.


Ray Keefer wrote:

> Hi,
> As new members join the discussion group it would be nice if the old 
> could be read by them. Is there a way to archive them on the web site 
> be able to down load them at will? I have just about all the e-mails 
> day one that I can transfer to the web site. But my question is what 
> How does a new person access the files? Any ideas?
> As a related topic, if we do set something up how do we get the web site 
> automatically update itself with any new mail?
> Are any of you concerned that what you say would get logged for 
> Regards,
> Ray