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Re: Sub Design

Hi Charles,
Yes, I'm interested in getting feedback on crush pressures of various sizes
and thickness of hull for a "propane style" tank  36" dia 8' long and also 40"
dia and 8' long.  Does a DOME end enable the end metal to be thinner than the
cylinder part?
I'm interested in 1/2" thick steel, but I haven't found anyone who can make
hemi-heads that thick.   One quote was $9000 for the hull alone.   Way over my
Considering flat ends on the cylinder, with 2 plates of 3/8" steel with 2" I-
beams sanwiched between them for ridgidity.  Would eliminate the need for
The number and placement of the I-beams would need some engineering input.
Was thinking of  2  I-beams each direction, with a space between them right in
the center for a 12" window.   

Waddaya thinka that?

What does cutting a hole in the middle of the cylinder and welding in a 28"
dia. Conning tower do to the integrity of the hull.  The tower would be about
15" tall.

Interested in engineering help, but I want to build it/have it built out here.
So far I've put a lot of thought and math into it and more than willing to
share all I have.