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survey reply

Name: Dale Fredenberg
e-mail: dalef@terracom.net
City: Deerfield
State: Wisconsin
Country: USA
Level of intrest
	Owner: someday
	Operator: someday
	Builder: someday
	Want to build: yes
	Interested: Very

	Welder: yes
	Engineer (marine):no
	Engineer (other):no/Electro-Mechanical Tech.
	Scuba: Open water PADI
	Plastic Forming: no

	Arc welder: Yes
	Gas Welder (type): acetylene
	Lathe: Yes
	Milling Machine: Yes

Desimination of information

	Put on web site: Yes
	One time e-mail to group: no, not if on web site
	Only give out if permission gotten first: yes
	For Ray Keefer use only: no