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Re: keeping my interest

> [big snip]

> So, my dilemma is this:  If I build something very interesting, where will I use
> it?  If I build something I can use often and affordably, its too simple to keep
> my interest.

> [another snip]

> How do the rest of you deal with this issue?  How often do you use what you have built?
> -- Martin Sanderse

Hi, Martin - Seems more a question of psychology than submersibles.  :-)    However, for my two cents (CDN) worth, I've been
contemplating one for about 22 years !  "More important" things seem to get in the way.

Certainly, the "gee, whiz" faze will die out regardless of the type of boat you build.  Then what? You may want to reassign the
value placed, not on the sub or why you want to use it, but, rather, on the experience.  It depends where you live.  What I'm
saying is that when boredom sets in from staring at fishies, dive at night [you'll need lights, of course].  When the dark is no
longer interesting in itself, go out with your spouse or close friend [you'll need an extra seat, preferably inside], anchor off,
and sit on the deck with a glass of dry red and look at the stars.  When that's no longer fulfilling, try current diving between
some islands at the change of tides.  Ho hum with that?  Try open ocean trials during foul weather.  BORING!!!  Well, then, dive
with some ugly smelling fish wired to your bow chocks and see how many of, and what kinds of, sharks you can find.  :-)   Bring a
video camera and a fresh pair of shorts.  Never know what might turn up.  Then again, how about wreck diving - on the OUTSIDE, por
favor.  How about exploring the mangroves down in Florida?  Like alligators?  Write articles on your adventures for National Geo.
They like that sort of stuff [I'm a photographer]. Explore the Intracoastal - underwater.

See what I mean?  You control the experience - not the hardware.  In this case, the sub is literally the vehicle to get you to the

Warm regards,

Rick Lucertini
Vancouver, Canada