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From owner-owner@whoweb.com Wed Jan 21 12:49:29 1998
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Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 12:49:28 -0500 (EST)
From: owner-Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org
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To: owner-Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: BOUNCE personal_submersibles@psubs.org:    Non-member submission from [Martin Sanderse <sanderse@ingenuitygroup.com>]   
Status: R

>From personal_submersibles-owner@whoweb.com  Wed Jan 21 12:49:26 1998
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Message-ID: <34C65B91.B5B@ingenuitygroup.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 12:33:21 -0800
From: Martin Sanderse <sanderse@ingenuitygroup.com>
Organization: The Ingenuity Group Inc.
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To: Personal_Submersibles Mailing List <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Subject: Decisions, Decisions
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Although I've been interested in building a sub for the last 25 years, I have not yet
completed one.  From time to time I start, only to have second thoughts about design.

The basic issue is: What do I intend to use it for when it's done?

I don't know about the rest of you, but for me the interest is in the design and
construction, and not its use.   Unfortunately, for the design and construction to be
interesting, it has to be more complex that an ambient pressure sub for one person.
That raises the cost, which requires some cost justification (or convincing that all
that effort will be wasted because you can't afford to use it)

So, my dilemma is this:  If I build something very interesting, where will I use
it?  If I build something I can use often and affordably, its too simple to keep
my interest.

So, I've got about 5 designs that COULD be built, but I've never started.  How do the
rest of you deal with this issue?  How often do you use what you have built?

Martin Sanderse
The Ingenuity Group Inc.                 http://www.ingenuitygroup.com/~tigroup/
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