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Re: FYI: # of people on list

I think we've come a long way since the days of including 7-8 people on the
"To:" header of a mail message.  The majordomo based mailing list began
Feb 8, 1997 with six members (no duplicates).  I haven't found any other web
site that offers as much information as PSUBS.ORG or the ability to tap into
the experiences of others who have successfully built their own personal
submersibles.  In fact, I'd guess we're the number one web site in the world
for information about personal submersibles.  We have members from India, South 
Korea, Canada, and Germany.

If anyone comes across web sites that look like they'd be a good pointer to
PSUBS.ORG, feel free to write the webmaster a note and ask them to add a link
to our site.  I've done that with a number of college sites that have
oceanography as a curriculum.

The "Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists" web page now officially lists us with
the www.psubs.org domain.  Their at http://www.neosoft.com/internet/paml
if you're interested in visiting their site.
