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Re: Subs

Hi Charlie,

> Dear Ray:
> Can you please send some more info on the propane Tank sub!!!!!!!!
> Is there a set of plans out there????
> I would like to construct a sub.  Please get back to me!!!
> My name is Charlie. 

The sub made from a propane tank that is in San Francisco at
Fisherman's Wharf, near the U.S.S. Pampanito, was built by two Berkeley
college students. At least that is what I remember. I didn't write down what
was on the plaque and my pictures didn't show the information clearly enough.
My guess is that the plans are not generally availible. Perhaps if you can
contact the designers you can get a set. Unfortuanately I don't remember
who they were. That information was on the plaque. 

Next time I am up there I'll get the info. I get up to the Pampanito about once
a year. Sorry.

Once you get the names of the designers you will have to search for them and 
if you locate them they may or may not give you plans. They may or may not
sell you a set of plans. Depends on how they view the liability and propiety
of the design. Worth a try.

Another propane design is the Manatee. Look under the sources page.
They have sketches but I am not sure about plans. You can send them e-mail.

At first look using propane tanks look like a good idea, but consider you
don't know the metalurgy of the metal or the stresses already imposed on the
metal during the life of the tank. So you should derate your depth consideribly
and do unmanned testing before trusting your life with it.

Actually I asked George Kittredge about propane tanks when I visited him. I 
don't remember his exact words but he was very adament that it was an 
unsafe approach. My view is that with the proper caution it will work,
just don't push it.
