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Book Reference, Part 2

        I found the book I mentioned in my previous post.  My wife had taken it
to work to read.  That's what made it so hard to find....

        The book is SILENT DESCENT by Dick Couch [Berkley Books, copyright
1993].  This is a paperback.  On page 81, describing the submarine (called the


        She was an advanced A-212-type boat built in Bremerhaven [Germany]
with an advanced Sterling engine and AIP (air independent propulsion)
capability.  This extended her range tremendously and allowed her to
operate under the ice.  The Archerfish was a well-guarded secret, and she was
kept in an underground berthing complex near Karlskrona, a facility once
used by German U-boats.  Since the embarassing grounding of a Soviet Whiskey-
class submarine off their coast in 1978, the Swedes had allowed the U.S. Navy
to maintain a small, secret sub base near their own naval port of Karlskrona.
Griffin's [the sub's captain] mission was more one of test and evaluation than
open-water operations.  The surface Navy saw the project primarily as a means 
of studying conventional submarine technology. With the new emphasis on
power projection in littoral areas, the admirals hoped to develop new tactics
to protect their carrier-battle groups against these small, silent boats in
restricted waters.  The submariners, whose nuclear fleet was being scuttled
with the shrinking defense budget, were looking for a new threat and being
forced to consider cheaper  boats.  As a community, the submariners hated 
the thought of "regressing" to nonnuclear propulsion, but it was better than
sitting in port.


        There's more to it than that, but you get the idea.  I wasn't able to
get that website in the other post.