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Marine Fuel Cells, and a book reference

        I was web surfing a while back, and I came across a site about fuel
[HYDROGEN RULES! <G>]  There was a reference to the Coast Guard <!>
developing fuel cells for their cutters [ships].  I requested some more info. on
it from the email address for the website.  The lady that replied back said she
didn't have any direct information on marine fuel cells, but she had some
references to companies that were developing fuel cells for marine use.  Here
are two:

>Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG (HDW)
>P.O. Box 6309
>D-24124 Kiel
>Contact:  Udo Wulf
>Phone: 49 31 700-4599
>(PEM fuel cell applied to German Class 212 submarine)
>Siemens AG
>Industrial and Building Systems Group
>ANL A93 Naval Engineering
>P.O. Box 105609
>D-20038 Hamburg
>Contact:  Dr. Albert Hammerschmidt, KWU's department head for PEM technology
>Phone:  49 402-8890
>Web Site URL   http://www.sietec.de/arc/sieforum/sieforum.en
>(PEM fuel cell for German Class 212 submarine; SOFC research; expects to
>start producing PEM fuel cells in small series starting around 2001-4 for
>buses and small stationary power plants)

        I'm mentioning all this because of a paperbook I read (skimmed)
I can't find the %$*&@! book right now, but it's called something like "Final
Descent".  It's a political/military thriller type, including the crew of a
U.S. Navy sub.  This sub is small and non-nuclear, using an 'air-independent
propulsion' which includes a stirling engine for underwater travel, and
diesels for surface propulsion.  The sub is German built, and is something
like the "A-212"
class [in the book].  

        Both of the above mentioned outfits researching marine fuel cells
include German 212 Class subs. I haven't checked out the website on the
second listing yet.

-Allan "CGK" Gaines
 North Carolina, USA