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Thanks a lot Alan...very good information.  Using the upper and lower
rates for O2 uptake, 72 hours is very possible given 100 cubic feet.  I
like your idea for a homemade scrubber, too...are there any problems with
thru-put in the cylinder, though (I mean, how densely packed will the LiOH
be?  Or am I picturing this wrong?).  
Has anyone thought about the H2 problem yet?  I've been thinking about it
the last couple of days and a possible design solution might be:  to have
a blower recirculate air throughout the battery pods, and have it pass an
H2 sensor and "hot-wire" or (I guess) an open flame (though it sounds
dangerous).  I imagine the idea would be to turn the H2 to water so a
constant influx of O2 might be necessary, though I don't really want to
keep an open line between the pods and cabin air...god forbid water find
its way in (and I'd like to waterproof the cabin as a whole, anyway).  I
remember reading that large subs used H2 burners (and needed sensors for
other gases too...especially for whatever material they were using as a
refridgerant).  And this was my last question: is everyone planning on
having an airconditioner and (maybe) de-humidifier?

