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If my math is correct, 100 cu. ft. of O2 would be 2833 liters.  A person 
rest metabolizes .3 - .75 LPM of O2.  To be on the high side lets assume
1 LPM.  This would then be 30 LPH and the above tank would last 94.4 hrs.
Therefore, a 100 cu. ft. tank has no problems at all meeting the ABS 72 hr

As far as CO2 scrubbers, a person produces about 714 grams of CO2 in a 24 
period.  LiOH used in scrubbers will remove 1.4Kg of CO2 for every 1 Kg
of LiOH.  Therefore, 1 lb or 2.2 Kg of LiOH would last about 74 hrs.  Most
premade scrubbers are cost prohibitive for the hobbist so I plan to make
my own using a 5" dia clear lexan tube that will hold about 2 lbs of
absorbant.  On each end of the tube will be a boat bilge blower connected
to a dc motor speed control to control the air flow.  Then flexible
ducting will be attached to the blowers to direct the input and output.

The reason for the clear tube is to determine when the absorbant needs
changing...it turns purple when it is exhausted.  I was quoted a price 
on Sofnolime at $1.98/lb from the O.C. Lugo Co. in Nyack, NY.

Hope this information is useful!
Alan D. Secor
e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com