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Hi guys,

I've been reading that the ABS requires 72 hrs. of emergency air supply
for certification...how do most designers accomplish this?  Does anyone
have good data on O2 uptake rates/person, CO2 rates, efficiency of
scrubber material (per gram, I guess...and for that matter, are there any
companies that make CO2 scrubbers, maybe for Nitrox industry?).  It seems
like 72 hours is a helluva long time, and I noticed that a few subs had
only 100 cu. ft. of oxygen on board.  Ideas?
Also, that battery problem has got to be fixed...any idea on what kinds of
batteries he was using (if not sealed, maybe H2 is let off not only during
charging)?  It would alwyas  be possible to get an H2 sensor, and maybe
design a simple H2 burner, I guess.  Or at least a warning light when H2
hit a certain PP. I have plans for keeping the battery pods inside the
cabin (albeit air/water tight)...but it would be pretty embarrassing to
die from poor foresight!--which is probably how it'd happen anyway.

