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Re: hello

> Hi to the group.
> I'm new here...I heard about this yesterday and figured I should drop a
> line.  I too have an interest in submersibles;  how many of us are there?
> I guess I'll start out with a question.  I've been trying to design some 2
> and 3 man "concept" submersibles over the last year (I think one of the
> main problems with the slow acceptance of underwater vehicles--besides
> cost --is that most people can't conceptualize the underwater world in
> terms of their own daily lives...I know this may seem too philosophical,
> but I bet the idea of getting into a steel cylinder or acrylic sphere just
> doesn't sound appealing to most people).  What we really need to do is to
> get people to say to themselves: "Yeah, I can picture these things as part
> of the marketplace in 10 to 15 years."  And aesthetics have a lot to do
> with this.  I have yet to see a submersible which my friends wouldn't be
> scared to get inside...not just for fear of being under water, but because
> they wouldn't feel at ease with the ship itself.  Some look too much like
> spaceships, some are practical for their purpose but weigh too much for
> the average Joe to tow behind his pickup.  Anyway, so I was going to ask
> about the use of carbon fiber (and composites) in making hulls.  Has
> anyone seen a successful use, and if so, who built it and for what
> purpose (deep diving, military, etc.)?

My sub is made of FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic) and is supposedly
rated to 600 ft with a 1200 ft crush depth.  The mfg is out of business
and very uncooperative with regards to giving me information so I don't
know what kind of actual testing went in to it.  I hope to launch
sometime this summer so will know more after that.  I'm currently
finishing the interior, puting in instrumentaton, ballast controls,
life support, etc.  I have all the materials with the exception of about
600 lbs of lead and batteries, it's just a matter of getting the time
to do the work!

If you want to see a picture of my sub, it's on the P-SUB webpage:


I'm still waiting to hear from any other list members who either have 
a sub or are currently working on one!

> I imagine that fiber reinforced materials with some internal support would
> lend themselves nicely to making sleek (commercially, aesthetically
> adaptable) crafts.  What do you guys think?
> -Gareth Block

Al Secor   ARS: WA3PWX SSI/PDIC Instructor DCSI5828            

e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com (work)  wrkdiver@clarityconnect.com (home)