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Re: Breathing (did I send this already?)

D. Buchner wrote:
> >> Careful. Once carbon-dioxide poisoning hits, you blackout. No warning.
> >> The AquaSub gets around this by continuously pumping air from the surface.
> >> If you are happy with surface pontoons this is probably the safest way to
> >> go.
> >
> >Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this Oxygen that makes the blackout?

> I thought it was the reverse - that lots of people mistakenly *Think* you
> run out of ox, but really you're being poisoned by CO2.

Hmm. Are we agreeing or not?  To restate what I meant, a shortage of oxygen will make 
you black out, but too much carbon dioxide will give some warning.  Is this the opposite 
of what you meant?
