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Re: Breathing (did I send this already?)

>> Careful. Once carbon-dioxide poisoning hits, you blackout. No warning.
>> The AquaSub gets around this by continuously pumping air from the surface.
>> If you are happy with surface pontoons this is probably the safest way to
>> go.
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this Oxygen that makes the blackout?
>Carbon dioxide
>increases the acidity of the blood and produces that "stuffy" environment
>feeling that
>tells you you need oxygen because in most closed environments, the
>increase of carbon
>diaoxide means that you've probably depleted the oxygen.  That's why using
>a scrubber to
>remove carbon dioxide without managing oxygen is so dangerous.

I thought it was the reverse - that lots of people mistakenly *Think* you
run out of ox, but really you're being poisoned by CO2. That we only use
about 14% of the O2 in a breath. This could be wildly wrong, as could
anything I say -- pieced together as it is from many utterly random and
unlikely sources as so much knowledge is today. (Anyone read _White_Noise_
by Don DeLillo?)