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web page format?


	I added Jonathan's gif to the web site. Looks nice! Thanks

	I want to add some more in page navagation but essentially the site is
in the format I am settling down to. Any comments? Suggestions? 

	One thing I'll change when I get to it is I don't like having the
main file page being called "new.html". When I get around to changing it 
I'll send mail. I'll change it to "psubs.html".

	Anyone ready to move on to meaty topics like:

- If you don't add any air, how long can you or should you stay down
  before coming up to open the hatch to get fresh air?

- How do you build a hatch? I believe the Kittredge's designs use four bolts
  on the inside to hold the hatch down. How about a military design that has
  a turn wheel on both sides of the hatch? Cost?

- Where do you get materials from? Local junk yard? Certified steel mill?

- If you have electric motors in external pods, how do you keep the water out?
  Especially as you get deeper.
