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Re: web page format?

Ray Keefer wrote:
> Hi,
>         I added Jonathan's gif to the web site. Looks nice! Thanks
> Jonathan!
>         I want to add some more in page navagation but essentially the site is
> in the format I am settling down to. Any comments? Suggestions?

This looks very good!  Not using frames is a lot cleaner and makes it easier for 
everyone else's contributions to mesh well.

>         Anyone ready to move on to meaty topics like:


I feel the need to make a FAQ.  How's this for a format?  I must admit a strong desire 
to not use <pre> though.  It makes it a lot easier to make changes.

What I could do is post draft vesions of answers, and wait a certain number of days for 
comment on errors/ommissions.


Martin Sanderse
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