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Re: my web page is up


> Looks good!  I've bookmarked it. 


> I wonder if we should allow people to send
> mail from the web page to the mail list as well...what do you all think?  At
> least as a first step to joining the list?

I want to at least add the process to getting added to the listserver.

What do the rest of you think? Should we add a mail feature to mail to the
list from the web page?

> Ray, are you going to include the "contributors" section that Martin had on
> the page?

I am still fuzzy as to what this section does or is good for. An alternative
is to place on each sub page a note saying the information on this page
was contributed by this person. 

Actually I see any and all of us potentially contributing to each page. As
a result how do we properly give credit?
