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Hi Stratus,
Speed isn't really important in a sub.  Fast in a sub is VERY slow when compared to a surface craft.  If your diving to see things, a walking pace or slower is all you need.  If your in poor visibility water, you won't ever go very fast.  Surface speeds are another thing but you'll find that, if your battery powered, battery life is more important then speed.  As speed goes up your distance per charge goes way down.  A personal sub can be maneuvered submerged with one horsepower or less and on the surface three horsepower is about as much as you can steer a straight course with.  If your design is long and sleek maybe a little more power.
Just give a search for the heads.  Not hard to find.
Depending on prop size and motor speed you may be able to direct couple or have to use a speed reducer.  This can be a gear box or belt and pulleys.  Most P subs just use a smaller diameter prop and direct couple to the motor shaft.  The best shaft seals are carbon on ceramic, spring loaded, face seals.  Search for water pump seals.  You have essentially the same application. 
Your water line is determined by how much water the sub will push out of it's way until it balances.  Calculate the volume of your hull and any external components.  Calculate the weight of the same volume of water.  Calculate or weigh the weight of everything the makes up the sub, it's dry weight on land.  If your sub is lighter then the water it's not going to dive.  It should be heavier.  Next calculate the volume of your ballast tanks and how much lift they will have when submerged.  Combine this lift with your hull weight, which is actually a subtraction, and you find how much remaining lift you have.  Calculate the displacement of small portions of your hull starting at the most top part and subtract from your lift until your equations balances.   Total weight on land - weight of displaced water when totally submerged - lift of empty ballast tanks = the force of the amount of buoyancy you have.  From that buoyancy keep subtracting slices off the top of your sub until you reach a balance.   If you can't grasp the concept experiment with a corked bottle and weights in water.
Good luck, hope this helps, Dan H.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 1:10 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Design

Hello again

Its been a long time, iv'e had a lot of work that needed to be done, that I wasn't able to educate myself in the ways of Submarine Design etc. However I finally have found time to do just that, learn some basics of sub design and its systems. So before I dive in I was just wondering if anyone knew the answer to some of my questions:

1. How to find Speed, submerged and above water

2. How you would go about to obtain an elliptical head

3. How does the e motor & diesel engine connect to the prop that means, how it all works, and what it required for there to be me the least leaks possible

4. How to calculate how Much the sub will be above water

I know these may be hard to explain so if there is a resource that has this information then I will gladly take that.

Thank You