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Hi Stratus Radix,
With regard to weight above water; I have been using "Deep sea power & light's" free download
"Under pressure" for these calculations. http://www.deepsea.com/tools-upwin.php
Some people have had trouble loading this program.
When you enter dimensions of various sections of your hull the program gives you their crush depth
& weight in & out of water.
Here are a couple of links for elliptical heads.
Regards Alan
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 5:10 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Design

Hello again

Its been a long time, iv'e had a lot of work that needed to be done, that I wasn't able to educate myself in the ways of Submarine Design etc. However I finally have found time to do just that, learn some basics of sub design and its systems. So before I dive in I was just wondering if anyone knew the answer to some of my questions:

1. How to find Speed, submerged and above water

2. How you would go about to obtain an elliptical head

3. How does the e motor & diesel engine connect to the prop that means, how it all works, and what it required for there to be me the least leaks possible

4. How to calculate how Much the sub will be above water

I know these may be hard to explain so if there is a resource that has this information then I will gladly take that.

Thank You